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AGV links MES to Create Intelligent Warehousing System 1--How to use ARM Embedded Computer to build AGV System?

Views : 1528
Author : Jerry Chen
Update time : 2024-08-15 14:31:26

What is AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) ?

AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) can generally control its route and behavior through a computer. It has strong self-adjustment, high degree of automation, accuracy and convenience, can effectively avoid human errors and save human resources. In the automated logistics system, rechargeable batteries are used as the power source to achieve flexibility, efficient, economical and flexible unmanned work and management.


Types of AGV Vehicle Controllers

The vehicle controller is the core of the control system and even the entire AGV. The vehicle controllers used by AGV are basically divided into the following three types:


  • PLC:PLC has the advantages of high reliability, easy programming, and flexible expansion, and is suitable for most AGV application scenarios. However, PLC also has disadvantages such as high cost and large size.
  • ARM Industrial Computer:ARM Embedded Computer is actually a computer with powerful computing power and flexible expansion capabilities. It has strong anti-interference capabilities and can be used in harsh industrial environments such as vibration and electromagnetic radiation. ARM Embedded Computer has a compact structure and small size, and can run general operating systems such as Linux.
  • Microcontroller:The advantages of microcomputers include low cost, low power consumption, and small size, making them suitable for small and medium-sized, cost-sensitive AGV applications. However, the shortcomings of microcomputers, such as limited computing power and limited storage space, also limit their scope of application.


The Composition of AGV

Traditional AGV system

Traditional AGV systems mainly rely on PLC, IO modules, switches, 4G routers and other devices to work together.

PLC for AGV System
PLC for AGV System


  • PLC as control center: responsible for receiving data from sensors and controlling the actions of AGV according to preset logic.
  • IO module: used to connect various sensors and actuators to realize signal conversion and transmission.
  • Switch: ensure smooth communication between various components.
  • 4G router: provides connection with external systems to realize remote monitoring and data exchange.

Although traditional systems can meet basic automation needs, they have some obvious limitations:


  • High hardware cost: multiple independent devices need to cooperate with each other to achieve complete functions.
  • Complex maintenance: The complexity of the system leads to high maintenance costs and high requirements for the expertise of technicians.
  • Difficult expansion: adding new functions or changing existing settings is cumbersome, which limits the flexibility of the system.


AGV System based on ARM Embedded Computer ARMxy

ARMxy Embedded Computer for AGV System
ARMxy Embedded Computer for AGV System


  • Powerful computing power: ARMxy Embedded Computers are equipped with high-performance processors, which can easily cope with complex control algorithms, multi-sensor data fusion, and real-time path planning. Integrated AI function support can achieve more complex and efficient path planning and task scheduling.
  • Rich interfaces: ARMxy Embedded Computers provide a variety of optional interfaces, such as serial ports, Ethernet, CAN ports, IO module ports, etc., which can be easily connected to various sensors, actuators, etc. according to actual conditions.
  • Efficient communication: ARMxy Embedded Computers support multi-channel CAN bus interfaces, 4G/5G and Wi-Fi technologies to ensure real-time data exchange between AGV and WMS(Warehouse management system), MES(Manufacturing execution system) and cloud platforms.
  • Flexible scalability: ARMxy Embedded Computers support a variety of operating systems and development environments, and can flexibly configure and expand system functions according to needs, facilitating users to carry out secondary development.
  • High reliability: ARMxy Embedded Computers usually use industrial-grade components, have high reliability and stability, and can adapt to harsh industrial environments.
  • Support multi-tasking: ARMxy Embedded Computers can run multiple tasks at the same time to achieve multiple control functions for AGV.


Comparative Analysis

Compared with the traditional AGV system, the new system based on ARMxy Embedded Computers has the following obvious advantages:

Cost-effectiveness: It reduces the need for multiple independent devices, and reduces hardware and installation costs. The low power consumption and small size of ARMxy Embedded Computers make AGV control more compact.

  • Hardware integration: ARMxy Embedded Computers integrate functions such as PLC, IO modules and network communication, reducing the need for additional hardware.
  • Low maintenance cost: ARMxy Embedded Computers have low power consumption, small size, and highly integrated design, which simplifies the maintenance process of the system and reduces maintenance costs.

Flexibility: The highly integrated ARMxy Embedded Computers makes it easier for the system to adapt to changes in the production line.

  • Rich interfaces: RS485/RS232, Ethernet, CAN, RS485/RS232, GPIO, DI/DO/AI/AO, etc. are optional. They can be freely combined without customization. They can easily connect various sensors, actuators and other devices.
  • Quick response: It can adapt to changes in production plans more quickly and improve the flexibility of the production line.
  • Remote management: It supports remote monitoring and management, reducing the need for on-site intervention.

Intelligent features: With the support of integrated AI functions, more complex and efficient path planning and task scheduling can be achieved.

  • Machine learning algorithm: Optimize path planning through machine learning algorithms to improve work efficiency and accuracy.
  • Data analysis: Analyze the collected data to continuously improve the performance of the AGV system.

Real-time communication: The application of wireless communication technology enables AGV to achieve real-time data exchange with external systems.

  • Data synchronization: It can synchronize the working status and performance indicators of AGV in real time, which is convenient for scheduling and maintenance.
  • Remote access: Support remote access and control, which improves the accessibility and availability of the system.


More information about ARMxy Embedded Computers:

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